If you are determined to have a supporting role in your party, then a White mage will be very effective in keeping everyone healthy. Some of the heaviest tanking jobs are Master of shields, master of beasts and vanguard while the fastest jobs include the thief, freelance, and gamer. Since its damage power is not very high, you can have a balance between light and heavy work.
Martha has no counters or special guards against physical or magical damage, so you are free to use your more powerful attacks. In addition, you can include some quick characters in your party. As such, it’s a good idea to use skills that can lower his speed stat or increase that of your party.

Last but not least, the trailer showcases the Salve-Maker, which isn’t a new job class. Fantasy jobs such as Black Mage, Red Mage, Monk, Ninja, and Dragoon. Oracles support the party by controlling not only the elements, but even time. With Bravely Default 2 coming along the way, the consoles expansive JRPG library. This job is best described as a “mage that delivers the word of law,” and that pretty much sums up what an Oracle does. Dragoon Speciality 2: Highwind Any additional effects applied to regular attacks also apply to Jump.

The bearer of the Oracle Asterisk is the high priest of the Rimedahl Church known as Dominic. Bravely Default II actively encourages experimentation with the tools that it places at your disposal, but it can be hard to know where to start. Fans who tried out the Bravely Default 2 demo would have benefited greatly from having a Priest on their team, especially since the demo’s difficulty level was quite high. Some of his abilities shown in the trailer include Regen, Reraise, and Holy Mist. Naturally, this class is all about protecting allies from evil and giving them support, much like how Bravely Default’s Bishop worked. The Priest Asterisk is also held by another member of the Rimedahl Church, namely Helio the Inquisitor. The Swordmaster class isn’t new to the Bravely Default franchise, though, so long-time fans should be familiar with this one and how it works.

This job class focuses more on counterattacks and tactical sword-wielding. Next up, we have the Swordmaster Asterisk, the holder of which is Gladys Kelly, the friar of the Rimedahl Church.

While the Dragoon class is common in Final Fantasy games, this class was known as Valkyrie in the first Bravely Default game. The Dragoon Job is often among the best Jobs in any game it appears in, and this is exactly what happens in Bravely Default II.This Job is among the most balanced Jobs in the entire game, making it extremely useful in a variety of different situations. Once players obtain this particular Asterisk from her, their characters will be able to jump higher than ever before, and then crash-land onto their enemies. That being said, the first character to make an appearance in the trailer is Martha Lancer, Guardian of the Dragon Cave, who is the bearer of the Dragoon Asterisk.